When you arrive in Mexico City you will need to take a taxi to your hotel or hostel. As you enter the departure area you may be approached by men offering to get you a taxi. Don't do this. Apparently there have been some problems with these independent operators. Instead look for the booths that advertise legitimate, approved companies. There are several to choose from and you can't miss the Yellow Cab signs. Approach the helpful person at the desk and book with them. You will pay for your cab in advance (approximately 180 pesos) and receive two slips, one that you keep as proof of payment and one that you give the driver. You will then be directed to the taxi area and someone there will help you find your driver. It all works so easily and before you know it you will be delivered very safely to your accommodations! Depending on your arrival time you might also choose to use the subway system. For approximately 50 cents Canadian you can go anywhere that they Subway goes within the city. We were not familiar with the system when we arrived so we took a cab but on our way out we used the subway.
Taxi Chit |
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