Sunday, 7 February 2016

EDTEC Academy Visit

On Saturday morning a small group of us walked into Mbita to meet the headmaster of a small community school, EDTEC Academy.  We toured the smaller preschool and on Monday we will tour the larger building which services students from grades one to seven.  This school is meeting the needs of students who live in the "slum" areas, located behind the main street.  Many of these students cannot afford uniforms and school fees required by the government schools and EDTEC charges families on a sliding school basis.  CanAssist has supported this school with teaching supplies and the construction of latrines in 2013.   They are now requesting additional support in the form of a water tank to make water for students more accessible.  The classrooms, while modest, had many instructional posters and it is evident that good learning happens here.


Early Primary Classrooms.

School grounds.  Children play in a small courtyard down below.

John and Evelyn, board trustees, discuss local issues.

Students from this area attend EDTEC.   Notice that much household life occurs outside in the courtyards.
Laundry, cooking, washing, eating and raising livestock happens here.

"Small fish" drying for consumption.  A common food source in the area.

Impromptu Strategic Planning Session

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